Coffee is a life-saving drink, we all consume cups of coffee while working or studying, some of us for its taste. The unmistakable taste and aroma of coffee – not to mention its ability to wake people up in the morning – have made it one of the most popular beverages in the world. You all know that coffee can cause heart problems, I know, I know that earlier studies have shown that coffee increases cardiovascular health and increases mortality. However, recent studies have shown that coffee may be the cause of low bp and abnormal heart rate in young adults.
Heart Problems And Coffee
Prospective studies that follow people over time have provided evidence that drinking this beverage is safe for most people and is associated with lower mortality. However, a new study by a London heart surgeon suggests that some of the supposed health benefits of coffee for cardiovascular health may have been exaggerated.
Due to the caffeine that coffee contains, excessive consumption can cause unpleasant symptoms such as tachycardia (rapid resting heart rate) and palpitations. Drinking coffee can also lead to a slight, temporary increase in blood pressure. So it may come as a surprise that regular coffee drinkers have either normal or reduced blood pressure compared to non-coffee drinkers. One explanation may be that coffee drinkers develop a physiological tolerance to the effects of caffeine.
It Is Governed By Genetics
“Whether we drink a lot of coffee, a little, or avoid caffeine altogether, this study by a London heart surgeon shows that genetics drives our decisions about how to protect our cardio health,” Simply avoid coffee for those at risk of high blood pressure, as they are more likely to experience unpleasant symptoms from caffeine. This means that someone who drinks a lot of coffee is likely genetically more tolerant of caffeine compared to someone who drinks very little. Conversely, a non-coffee drinker or someone who drinks decaffeinated coffee is more susceptible to the adverse effects of caffeine and is more prone to high blood pressure.
While I understand that you cannot immediately reduce your coffee consumption, it is recommended to minimize it to one or two cups a day. This way you can enjoy your coffee and manage your stress (we think, but it’s just a psychological effect) without worrying about its side effects on your heart. Excessive coffee consumption has been seen to lead to insomnia in many people because it keeps your brain in a hyper-aware state until its effects wear your brain down, preventing you from sleeping, and excessive consumption results in its effects never going away. So yes, you all can enjoy your favourite beverage while avoiding its side effect on the heart.