While undergoing breast enhancement surgery, the most common question which is posed by most of the women is: if it feels and looks natural? The simple answer is that it depends upon your body type and your expectations from the procedure.
While the expert surgeons handling breast enlargement Essex, are going to choose the best implants which would suit your body type, however, that doesn’t stop you in any way from expressing your opinion and preferences when it comes to the implant shape, size, and other factors which might leave a considerable impact post-procedure.
Breast augmentation surgery is sure to give a massive boost to your confidence, hence, it is imperative to know more about the key elements of implants and how they can make a difference.
- Implant Shape and size: There is a general misconception that bigger-sized breasts look the best- in some cases, they might as well but certainly not always. High-profile breasts may sometimes appear protruding and unnatural, especially if you have a broader frame. Bigger breasts might look great with a petite frame as they fit perfectly well with a narrower chest, however, an extra-large size can even look out of proportion. Consult your surgeon who may suggest you the best options based on your body type.
- Spacing: Spacing is another important element which determines the placement of implants on your chest. Too much gap can make your breasts look unnaturally large whereas a too little space in between can cause skin tenting issue besides making your cleavage look artificial. Your surgeon needs to take extra care while taking measurements so that spacing is accurate and breasts look natural post-surgery.
- Placement: The placement of the implants can be done either over the muscle or under the muscle, the latter is being used widely at the moment as they give a more natural-looking results. Another major advantage with the ‘under the muscle’ implant placement procedure is that the scarring is minimally visible besides cutting down on the other risks like drooping, skin rippling etc.
- Material: Silicone and saline are two implant options available, however, silicone is more popular in breast augmentation procedure. This is because it results in a more natural-looking and feeling breasts. Cost-wise speaking, silicone is priced higher than saline since the former is made up of highly viscous gel and is much softer to touch.
- Choosing a surgeon: Once everything else is sorted, you’ll still need a brilliant surgeon who can help you find your self-confidence with the perfectly done breast implants. Research well and choose to go with an expert who is highly skilled and experienced.
Before you decide to undergo the scalpel, ensure to discuss all the finer details of the procedure with your surgeon to remove doubts if any.